First-author Publications
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14. Challenges and opportunities towards fast-charging battery materials
Y. Liu, Y. Zhu, Y. Cui*, Nature Energy, 2019, 4, 540–550. [PDF]
13. Fast galvanic lithium corrosion involving a Kirkendall-type mechanism
D. Lin†, Y. Liu†, Y. Li, Y. Li, A. Pei, J. Xie, W. Huang, Y. Cui*, Nature Chemistry, 2019, 11, 382–389. †Co-first authors [PDF]
12. Solubility-mediated sustained release enabling nitrate additive in carbonate electrolytes for stable lithium metal anode
Y. Liu, D. Lin, Y. Li, G. Chen, A. Pei, O. Nix, Y. Li, Y. Cui*, Nature Communications, 2018, 3656. [PDF]
11. An Ultrastrong Double-Layer Nanodiamond Interface for Stable Lithium Metal Anodes
Y. Liu†, Y.-K. Tzeng†, D. Lin, A. Pei, H. Lu, N. A. Melosh, Z.-X. Shen, S. Chu*, Y. Cui*, Joule, 2018, 2, 1595-1609. [PDF]
Highlighted by C&EN.
10. Design of complex nanomaterials for energy storage: Past success and future opportunity
Y. Liu, G. Zhou, K. Liu, Y. Cui*, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2017, 50, 2895-2905. [PDF]
9. Transforming from planar to three-dimensional lithium with flowable interphase for solid lithium metal batteries
Y. Liu, D. Lin, Y. Jin, K. Liu, X. Tao, Q. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Cui*, Science Advances, 2017, 3, eaao0713. [PDF]
8. Reviving the lithium metal anode for high-energy batteries
D. Lin†, Y. Liu†, Y. Cui*, Nature Nanotechnology, 2017, 12, 194-206. [PDF]
7. A Prussian blue route to nitrogen-doped graphene aerogels as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction with enhanced
active site accessibility
Y. Liu, H. Wang, D. Lin, J. Zhao, C. Liu, J. Xie, Y. Cui*, Nano Research, 2017, 10, 1213-1222. [PDF]
6. An artificial solid electrolyte interphase with high Li‐ion conductivity, mechanical strength, and flexibility for stable lithium metal anode
Y. Liu, D. Lin, P. Y. Yuen, K. Liu, J. Xie, R. H. Dauskardt, Y. Cui*, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1605531. [PDF]
5. Layered reduced graphene oxide with nanoscale interlayer gaps as a stable host for lithium metal anodes
D. Lin†, Y. Liu†, Z. Liang, H. W. Lee, J. Sun, H. Wang, K. Yan, J. Xie, Y. Cui*, Nature Nanotechnology, 2016, 11, 626-632. [PDF]
4. Lithium-coated polymeric matrix as a minimum volume-change and dendrite-free lithium metal anode
Y. Liu†, D. Lin†, Z. Liang, J. Zhao, K. Yan, Y. Cui*, Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 10992. [PDF]
3. Electrochemical tuning of olivine-type lithium transition-metal phosphates as efficient water oxidation catalysts
Y. Liu, H. Wang, D. Lin, C. Liu, P. C. Hsu, W. Liu, W. Chen, Y. Cui*, Energy & Environmental Science, 2015, 8, 1719-1724. [PDF]
2. Dual-phase spinel MnCo2O4 and spinel MnCo2O4/nanocarbon hybrids for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction and evolution
X. Ge†, Y. Liu†, F. W. T. Goh, T. S. A. Hor*, Y. Zong, P. Xiao, Z. Zhang, S. H. Lim, B. Li, X. Wang, Z. Liu*,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 15, 12684-12691. [PDF]
1. Designable yolk–shell nanoparticle@ MOF petalous heterostructures
Y. Liu†, W. Zhang†, S. Li, C. Cui, J. Wu, H. Chen, F. Huo*, Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26, 1119-1125. [PDF]